Infidelity in marriage is not only about physical-sexual contact with a third party. Did you know that? Well, there are several types of infidelity in a relationship. So, you may be being unfaithful without even knowing it. Most people associate m ...
Main causes for Infidelity in Marriage
Infidelity is one of the most difficult situations a couple can face. And, if not addressed in a healthy way, it can be an irreparable situation for the relationship. Now, what does infidelity imply? and why does it happen? Everyone may have their ...
7 Secrets of Entrepreneurial Mothers
Are you a mother who wants to start a business? Well, I know some secrets of mom entrepreneurs that can help you to start your business project. It is common knowledge that being a daughter, wife, mother, neighbor and entrepreneur can be overwhelm ...
Character Traits of Resilient Children
Are the characteristics of resilient children different from those of other children? Most definitely. But we will not focus on comparisons; we will focus on the positive traits of children raised under the precepts of resilience. I will show you som ...
What is bullying and how to know if a child is being bullied?
What is bullying? For anyone responsible for a child, it is important to know what bullying is and to recognize its signs. This problem affects thousands of young people worldwide; unfortunately, many parents do not realize that their children are su ...
Suicide in children and adolescents: What is the reason for the increase during and after the pandemic?
The high suicide rate in children and adolescents is one of the devastating facts aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The rates recorded between 2020 and 2021 are alarming. And it is even more worrying that one more year has passed and the aftermath ...
Six Strategies to prevent bullying at school
Learning about bullying is something that must be assumed by society worldwide. Especially, due to the increasing rate of occurrences in every country. Recent research reveals that for every 10 children and adolescents, 6 of them have suffered bul ...
Common Problems in Marriage: Money – How to Prevent Your Finances from Being a Problem?
According to the Institute for the Financial Analysis of Divorce, money management is responsible for 22% of separations1; making it one of the most common problems in marriage and a potential jeopardy to its longevity. The strain that managing fi ...
Common problems in marriage: Communication – Learn the skills to Better Communicate with your Spouse
Marriages that can resolve misunderstandings quickly and are not afraid to talk about any issues will enjoy much better communication. When having good communication, the hearts of the couple are strengthened, and respect and understanding will abide ...
Common Problems in Marriage: Intimacy – How to Keep the Spark Alive?
Do you want to know how you can have more intimacy to keep the spark alive in your marriage? Long-term relationships, such as marriage, generate very close bonds that require attention and effort all the time. With this, I do not mean that they take ...