Top 10 Strategies for Resolving Marital Problems

All couples go through conflict, so learning how to solve marital problems with appropriate strategies is a must. Even if your relationship is going well, keeping these tips in mind can save you from future crises.

A recent study claims a close connection between a satisfying married life and positive effects on cardiovascular health. Just as you read, a happy relationship leads to a healthy heart. That’s why resolving conflicts and moving your partner forward is worth it rather than giving up on happiness and well-being.

Resolving marital problems

Regardless of their severity, resolving marital problems is possible. It will take  time, but if there is commitment and determination on both parts, there are strategies to move towards good results. Take note of these tips and don’t hesitate to apply them in your relationship.

1.   Improve dialogue

Most conflicts are born out of a failure to communicate. Talking is not the same as having a fluid and healthy dialogue in the relationship. It involves much more than that. To ensure a healthy way of discussing problems in your relationship, keep these points in mind:

  • Avoid shouting.
  • Never disrespect or insult.
  • Speak about the source of the problem with transparency and honesty.
  • Don’t divert the focus with secondary issues or situations from the past.
  • Don’t involve third parties or other people’s opinions.

Clinical psychologist Elena Daprá recommends that when communicating as a couple you should take the time to listen to each other. Often, the “internal radio” can make it difficult to understand things from another perspective.

2.   Regain trust in each other

When the source of the conflict involves a breakdown in the values of marriage, it is essential to heal that aspect. In order for there to be room for resolution, there must be a bond of honesty and credibility between the parties.

There are situations where trust seems hopeless, such as infidelity. If you are going through this, don’t despair, you can still rebuild trust and resolve the problems.

3.   Provide emotional support

A key to avoiding and resolving conflict is mutual support. Working on emotional companionship with your partner can strengthen or help to restore bonds. Don’t just think about your feelings, in a time of crisis, taking into account other people’s emotions is a great demonstration of love.

An article in the journal of the National Autonomous University of Mexico reports on emotional bonds in marriage. How caring for each other positively affects the construction of identity, as well as the personal and social well-being of the couple.

4.   Respect individuality

Although it may seem contradictory, there are times when it is wise to give each other space. This is something I often stress to couples who come to therapy. Knowing your partner will help you to detect when they need time to reflect before telling you how they feel. Trying to speed up the process can deepen the severity of the problem.

5.   Renew trust in intimacy

Sexuality in a couple can be a source of conflict in many ways. If there is no fulfilment in intimacy, it can hardly translate into a happy marriage. Find a way to talk to your partner about how you feel and work together to regain this important bond in your married life.

6.   Aim for realistic expectations

When it comes to conflict resolution, expectations always come into play. This is because what we expect from the other person can be detrimental to the way we analyze and judge their actions. It is a veil that prevents us from being objective in understanding the problem and its real origin.

When seeking to resolve a crisis in marriage, start by having a clear vision of reality. The renowned Spanish psychologist, Silvia Congost, says that your standards may be influenced by your environment and the values you prioritize. Try to be aware of them so that they do not affect your perception.

7.   Generate quality time together

It is almost impossible to resolve a conflict if you are not willing to give up personal time to invest in your partner. Finding quality time to share between the two of you will bring many benefits:

  • Optimal situations for dialogue.
  • Mutual trust and development of intimacy.
  • Breaking the routine.
  • Encouraging companionship.
  • Getting to know each other individually.
  • Strengthen desire and renew the passion.

Monotony can lead to the extinction of the couple’s identity. If children are involved, it is important to try to have moments of intimacy to develop the relationship beyond the role of parents.

8.   Put yourself in the other person’s shoes

When it comes to putting feelings on the table to solve marital problems, it is important to put oneself in the other person’s place. Empathy is the key to understanding without judging and to reach agreements that are beneficial for the couple.

9.   Forgive with sincerity

Forgiveness is indispensable for closing stages of crisis. Putting aside personal egos, with a common goal of achieving the well-being of the marriage, forgiveness must be real and sincere. Doing so out of obligation or comfort will not heal the wounds of the conflict and will prevent a lasting resolution over time.

Keep in mind that an unhealed wound will reopen and deepen. Remember that just as God forgives our sins, so we must forgive the offences of others, as His Word says in Ephesians 4:32.

10.                Seek professional help

Often conflicts in a couple can become too much of a stumbling block for the normal development of a marriage. If this is the case, seeking therapy or professional help is not a cause for embarrassment or personal failure – quite the contrary!

Seek help from experts who understand your needs. Your marriage can grow and learn from its conflicts. Call me at 407-618-0212 and I will give you personal attention for your situation.

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