ways to make an effort

10 ways to make an effort in your relationship

Do you feel like you can’t find ways to make an effort for your partner? Are you afraid you can’t show your feelings the way you’d like to? If your relationship is showing warning signs of lack of commitment, you’ve come to the right place. This is a problem I often deal with in my consultations, I am here to help you find your way, your relationship has a future.

In a relationship, interest in each other should be demonstrated every day, so that both will be aware of the love they have for each other. This is something that can flow naturally through the love language that the couple has in common. However, sometimes it takes an extra push to show it.

Don’t feel like a failure if you haven’t found a way. A little effort from both of you can radically change the reality of your relationship. All you need is the will to do it and the commitment to assume your mistakes, in order to be able to change them into solutions.

Ways to make an effort for your partner

I’ll show you 10 ways to make an effort to renew that bond and love will find its greatest expression. If you have come this far, it is because you notice that there is something you are not yet offering to your relationship. By starting by recognizing these shortcomings, you can build a process of change.

1.    Evaluate your relationship and detect flaws

In 1986, psychologist Robert Sternberg published his Triangular Theory of Love. In it, he explains the relationship as a triangle where the parties join together to achieve “consummate love”, that which has all the necessary elements for a couple’s full development.

According to the author, the three key elements that cannot be missing in a mature relationship are intimacy, passion and commitment. These keys guide the search for a healthy relationship, without disproportions in any of them. If you want to know in depth what aspect you should work on, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your relationship have a special connection beyond your individuality?
  • Does physical contact between you flow naturally and willingly?
  • Is there a sincere interest between the parties in building their relationship every day from the little things?

A relationship that has an excess of passion and full sexuality may not be forming a true intimacy. It must be expressed both in desire and in building a special bond between both of you. Likewise, commitment must be expressed in the way you face every situation that arises together.

2.    Motivates confidence

A fundamental part of every couple is trust. In order to demonstrate your effort and commitment to your partner, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding will be a valuable tool.

You may feel that your relationship is lacking this aspect on the part of one or both partners. If that is the case, don’t worry, you can regain trust in your partner. This process may take some time, but you can be sure that it will serve to work on your love and renew feelings.

3.    Maintain companionship

When a couple consolidates, it is very common to begin to feel the discomfort of routine. In this context, the reasons that led them to choose each other and decide to share their lives may lose focus. Here, the greatest danger is that this bond is broken and the members turn to their individualities.

A report by the University of Palermo among married couples in Argentina showed that the most valued aspect by couples is companionship. This, according to the data obtained, is the greatest sign of love and the key to a lasting relationship. Support your partner in his or her projects and always make him or her part of yours.

4.    Recognizes the actions of love

If you want your partner to notice that you make an effort in the relationship, make them feel that you value their gestures. No matter how small, an act of love should be received with appreciation and gratitude. Not acknowledging their attentions can lead to insecurity and frustration in your partner.

5.    Look for ways to express your love in ways they like

At the same time, if you don’t pay attention to the other, they will end up believing that you are not interested in them or that there is no more love. One of the ways to make an effort in your relationship is to think of ways to convey your feelings knowing your partner’s preferences. It should not be exclusively gifts, sometimes actions are worth more.

6.    Put yourself in their shoes

For years, psychology and neurosciences have been searching for answers to the complexity of emotions. In a couple, understanding and tolerating each other’s emotional processes is very important.

An article in Athenea Digital magazine points out the implications between emotions and language. Taking the time to listen and understand what your partner is feeling can heal wounds and strengthen the bond.

7.    Improve communication

In line with the previous point, maintaining optimal communication in the couple will avoid conflicts and clearly demonstrate the feelings of both. From asking how your day was to talking about trivial issues can help maintain a healthy dynamic.

8.    Create new activities to do together

The best way to show how much you value your partner is to let him or her know that you want to spend time together. Think of special times to share, keeping both of your interests in mind. Offer fresh ideas so you don’t fall into a rut.

9.    Pay attention to their worries

Don’t forget that a relationship involves sharing everything, including worries. Bearing burdens together can lighten the effects they have on your partner’s mood. Never minimize what is oppressing them, but rather, understand and try to help them find peace.

10.   Understands the different stages of love

Keep in mind that love will not always feel like that first stage of falling in love. The chemical processes that the body goes through when falling in love slow down over time. This should not discourage you, it is natural. Try to enjoy with your partner every moment of love with its virtues.

If you want to know more about this and other topics, or seek help from your partner, do not hesitate to call 407-618-0212. I will give you personalized attention from the hand of my experience as a therapist.

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