Couple talking at therapy session with professional male therapist

Why Couple Therapy?

You see a doctor for an ache or cough that won’t go away. But who can you turn to if your relationship needs a shot in the arm? For some couples, professional counseling is the answer.

“Studies show that, in the hands of a good counselor, marriage counseling is successful 70- 80% of the time”, says William Doherty, PhD, LCSW. Doherty is a professor of Family social science at the University of Minnesota.

“We don’t see our relationships and ourselves objectively”, he says. “Most people are far more aware of how their partner is contributing to the problems in the relationship than they are. When we can’t ‘fix’ ourselves, sometimes we need a third party’s perspective”.

McNulty says, on average, couples wait 6 years after problems develop to seek counseling. And he says that’s unfortunate, because the sooner you get help, the better your chances of success are.
Dr. Duany is a passionate Licensed Marriage and Family Psychotherapist (LMFT) willing to run the extra mile to help you deal with your marital distress. His objective is to save the marital relationship whenever is possible. Don’t wait until it is too late. Call him today and set up your free appointment